Our Social Networks

We are funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund to collect the stories of friendships and relationships experienced by people with a learning disability in Wales.

Our Social Networks is a new project that aims to tell the stories of 60 people with a learning disability primarily through personal accounts captured in conversation with their friends, romantic partners or family members.

This will focus primarily on those aged 18-25 and aged 45+ to look at differences between generations.

We're gathering from a range of people with a learning disability, including those with one to one support, those with limited or no formal support or those living with parents / family members.

Read our stories

You can find all the stories we've collected here.

Hear the stories

What is Our Social Networks?

This project is about history and nature of friendships and intimate relationships experienced by people with a learning disability living in Wales today.

Two sitting ladies, one leading on the other

Read the stories

Take a look at the stories from member of the Our Social Networks team.

Click the Our stories heading below to reveal the links to the articles.

What we've learned

Hear from what we've learned from the Our Social Networks project and the stories we've gathered.


We want to meet people interested in volunteering with us.

We have a number of roles available including photographer, transcriber, exhibition assistant and graphic designer.

Visit our jobs site and search for 'our social networks' to find volunteering opportunities.

For more information please email anna.suschitzky@mencap.org.uk.

Our Funders

Our funders logos

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